fredag den 12. august 2011

Barro: Resultaterne af Obamas økonomiske politik er elendige!

Professor Robert Barro sammenligner præsident Barack Obamas og præsident Ronald Reagans økonomiske udgangspunkt og politik i WSJ (8.8). Barro mener, at Obama i modsætning til Reagan har ført den forkerte politik. Han skriver:
Mr. Obama was equally in position to get credit for turning around a perilous economic situation that had been left by a weak predecessor. But he has pursued an array of poor economic policies, featuring the grand Keynesian experiment of sharply raising federal spending and the public debt. The results have been terrible and now, two and a half years into his administration, Mr. Obama is still blaming George W. Bush for all the problems.
Friday's downgrade of the U.S. credit rating by Standard & Poor's should have been a wake-up call to the administration. S&P is saying, accurately, that there is no coherent long-term plan in place to deal with the U.S. government's fiscal deficits.
Barro anbefaling til den økonomiske politik er: 1)  Gennemfør reformer af pensionsordningerne, så tilbagetrækningsalderen sættes op og stigningstakten i ydelser bringes ned, 2) Nedsætning marginalskatterne i skattereform, 3) Fjern skattefradrag som i skattereformen gennemført under Reagan i 1986, 4) Fjern virksomheds- og ejendomsskatter og 5) Indfør en føderal moms i USA på 10%. Dette vil skabe balance på budgetter og genskabe tilliden, mener Barro. 

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