tirsdag den 1. februar 2011

Ingen konkrete forslag til løsning af de økonomiske problemer i USA

Præsident Barack Obama holdt for en uge siden sin tale om unionens tilstand til Kongressen. Talen viser, at præsidenten bevæger sig ind mod midten i amerikansk politik. Det sker efter det markante valgnederlag i november, hvor republikanerne vandt flertallet i Repræsentanternes Hus og nok pladser i Senatet til at kunne blokkere lovgivning. Præsidenten har allerede med en aftale om at udsætte en planlagt skatteforhøjelse 2 år og forlænge understøttelsen til arbejdsløse vist, at der kan samarbejdes over midten.

Men der er ikke enighed mellem demokraterne og republikanerne om, hvad der er det økonomiske hovedproblem: Arbejdsløsheden eller budgetunderskuddet. For Obama og demokraterne fokusere nok på arbejdsløsheden, mens republikanerne er mere optaget af budgetunderskuddet. Men som The Economist (29.1) skrev i lederen fredag, så kommer hverken demokraterne eller republikanerne med konkrete forslag til løsning af problemerne. Og Obama kom heller ikke med konkrete forslag til løsninger af problemer, skriver The Economist:
"Mr Obama claimed that America needs to “out-innovate, out-educate and outbuild the rest of the word”. Yet his speech provided only the waffliest of ideas about how it might do that, and no indication of how they might be paid for. The parallel he likes to draw with the moment when Sputnik was launched and America realised Russia was winning the space race falls down there, for in 1957 America’s government had piles of cash to spend on catching up. Now it has none".

"A year ago Mr Obama set up a deficit-reduction commission, which duly produced a sensible report at the end of last year. He has failed previously, and failed again this week, to endorse the commission’s conclusions. He offered no specific proposals for cutting the cost of the biggest drains on the federal purse: health care, Social Security (pensions) and defence. And, although revenues will have to rise if the budget is to be brought into balance, he failed to explain to middle-class Americans that they will have to pay more tax. His only gestures in the direction of fiscal responsibility were to propose reforming corporate tax, increasing some taxes on the very rich and extending a freeze on some categories of discretionary spending, all of them tiny parts of the overall picture. If he is serious about the deficit, this was the time to show it. He should have taken courage from recent improvements in both his poll ratings and the economy. He copped out".

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