onsdag den 29. juli 2009

Feldstein om ObamaCare

Den amerikanske økonom Martin Feldstein havde et indlæg i Washington Post om ObamaCare i går (28/7). Han opfordrer kort og godt præsident Barack Obama til at koncentrere sig om andre problemer.

Sundhedsreformen vil give få uforsikrede amerikanere sygeforsikring, men flertallet vil ikke få noget ud af. Med Feldsteins ord:
"For the 85 percent of Americans who already have health insurance, the Obama health plan is bad news. It means higher taxes, less health care and no protection if they lose their current insurance because of unemployment or early retirement."
Og det nærmeste ObamaCare kommer på at reducere omkostningerne ved sundhed er gennem rationering:
"The administration's health planners believe that the new "cost effectiveness research" will allow officials to eliminate wasteful spending by defining the "appropriate" care that will be paid for by the government and by private insurance. Such a constrained, one-size-fits-all form of medicine may be necessary in some European health programs in which the government pays all the bills. But Americans have shown that we prefer to retain a diversity of options and the ability to choose among doctors, hospitals and standards of care."
Det kan måske også forklare, hvorfor modstanden mod en sundhedsreform er stigende i USA.

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